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Hygienic and Clean Room Ventilation System

Hygienic and Clean Room Ventilation System

Products, tools, equipment and people; According to the cleaning standards accepted by ISO, a controlled environment with temperature, humidity, pressure, noise level and air movement within certain standards in a way that protects it from living particles such as microbes and microorganisms such as dust, particles, waste gas and bad odors is called a clean room.

The main purpose in a clean room is primarily to obtain a clean air environment in accordance with the hygiene standards accepted by ISO, then to provide and stabilize any conditions that require the technological environment related to the process.

Hijyenik ve Temiz Oda Havalandırma

Objects to be brought into the laboratory where the clean room application is made are cleaned with isopropyl alcohol and the air inside is purified from particles by constantly passing through HEPA filters. The Turkish equivalent of Hepa (High Efficiency Particulate Arresting) is High Efficiency Particulate Catcher and filters that can purify particles from the air up to 85% and above, up to 0.3 microns. In addition, more effective results can be obtained by integrating with UV filters. Classification is made according to the number of particles in the environment in clean rooms. Classification is based on the number of particles in a 1 m³ section.

Particles (Quantity)Classification
10.000-100.000D CLASS
1.000-10.000C CLASS
100-1.000B CLASS
1-100A CLASS

It is a system that creates and stabilizes minimum programmer and hardware hardware for the content of materials in sterile areas.

Operating room, laboratory, etc. located in sterile areas. It is aimed to use the norms that will help them to reach sterilization facilities for the purpose of your systems.

The aim of this design is the sterile transportation of those who benefit from the air, as well as the rescue of the living, contents and used ones from the space.

Hygienic Clean

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+90(533) 233 2000